Every thread of communication we participate in is flooded with grandiose claims from enthusiastic diet pushers claiming that their approach to nutrition is hands down the best for every one. Our options are almost limitless. High carb/low fat, low carb/high fat, Paleo, carnivore, ketogenic, FODMAP, DASH, Mediterranean, vegetarian, vegan, the list goes on and is almost limitless. And lets not even get into the juicing 'cleanses', detox pills, fat burning pills and chemically produced meal replacement shakes sold by business people, not qualified practitioners.
Yet it is such a difficult decision. Should we do what is trending on Insta? Maybe listen to that guy down the gym who swears that what works for him is foolproof? Surely the next door neighbour who promises that you will get the beach bod of your dreams by purchasing a box of meal replacers knows the secret. Maybe vegetarian? Drop the carbs? Yikes its a scary minefield.
Here's an idea. How about we eat what is best for us? A diet built around a compendium of whole unrefined foods. When we eat foods as close to nature as practicable our bodies have the best opportunity to receive an adequate intake off all of the nutrients we need.
So the best diet for you is the diet that is best for you. Not a tongue twister. Read it again, slowly.
We all will thrive when given the opportunity to do so. Depending on our individual requirements, activity levels, cultural preferences, tolerances, allergies and psycho-social needs that is where we will find the diet best for you. And for that we need this information from a qualified practitioner who has an education based on evidence, facts and results.
When we can tailor our nutritional needs, the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
Now I am not going to suggest that all ailments or illnesses can be cured with food, but I do know that good nutrition will support all health. Food is powerful. It can harm and it can heal. The healing is the amazing part. We cannot live without it (not for long any way) and it holds the power to change our lives. The potential for food to repair, prevent and even reverse illness, pain and disease is exciting.
My personal experience has proven to me just how effective targeted nutrition is when healing the body. My cystic acne is gone, and I was prescribed 6 month courses of antibiotics before. Hormonal imbalances, settled. Arthritis in fingers, gone. I can train hard, sleep well and eat cake when I want to. The potential for every one of us to heal our bodies through nutrition is remarkable. We all have the ability to reverse oxidative damage, reduce the risk of big name diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, neuro-degenerative disorders, stroke and high blood pressure. And we absolutely have the power within ourselves to improve skin, hair and nails. Nutrition can provide support for fatigue, sleep and concentration problems.
Our lives are full of choices and decisions. Every single day we choose paths which will ultimately lead us to our destination in life. That path is ever changing, and there is always the choice to make a change for the betterment of our own lives. Making that decision to prioritise our dietary choices has the promise to add years of healthy living and also live well day to day. I promise it is a decision you will never regret.